Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lesson Learned #8

"Lesson Learned #8: Always shave your legs before taking your kids to a photo shoot. You never know when the photographer will decide to use YOU as one of the props!!!"

Lesson Learned #7

"Lesson Learned # 7: Some of the best things in life are free! A picnic lunch in the park is just as fun or perhaps more fun than eating out."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lesson Learned # 6

Don't always be in a rush to end a conversation with what you consider to be a bizzare stranger. You never know when you will bless them with your friendliness so much that they open up their wallet and give you $10....but more importantly, reminding you of the beauty of people within, regardless of the strange outer appearance and demeanor.

Lesson Learned # 5

Don't ask a 5- year old to get a jar of baby food out of the fridge unless you're willing to clean up mushy green beans that splatter all over the kitchen as the jar bounces across the floor.

Lesson Learned # 5 1/2: Don't ask a 6 year old to serve apple sauce unless you're willing to clean up the mess he makes after turning a 46 ounce jar upside down to get the applesauce out.

Lesson Learned # 4:

Always be fully dressed (including a bra) before stepping outside your back door to take out the trash. You never know when you'll run into the meter-reader man!

Lesson Learned # 3:

Lesson Learned on June 13, 2010:
  • Don't make your baby laugh when she has a mouthful of baby cereal!

Lessons Learned # 1 & 2

Lessons learned on May 27, 2010:
  1. Always check the weather forcast/dopler before cleaning out the garage and putting your storage items in the driveway where they are susceptible to pop up thunder storms
  2. Just because the dog got soaked in the pop up thunder storm, doesn't mean it is a good idea to give him a bath in the rain.