Saturday, October 18, 2008

Justification, Procrastination, Excuses

So, it's been more than a month since I blogged. So much for my promises that I'd spend 10 minutes a day doing this. I have many excuses as to why I haven't, many being justified. I've procrastinated like crazy on this and so many other things. We all do it, don't we? But I guess the important thing is that I keep trying.

Here' one of my greatest justifications that I came up with though. I've spent the past 4 days working 10-12 hours a day writing a paper. So, by my calculations 10 hours X 4 days X 60 mins/hour = 2400 minutes. That's 240 days of writing, so I've more than covered my sins of the past several months, right?

Justifications don't do much other than make us feel better about ourselves. Sure, I did do a lot of writing, good writing in the last several days. But does it leave my mark? My story?

Challenge: What are you justifying to make yourself feel better?

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