Friday, January 30, 2009

Family Man

Last night we watched Family Man with Nicholas Cage. I am not normally one to contemplate movies. I watch it, think "nice movie" and I'm done. This movie is different. Jack Campbell (Nicholas Cage) is a very successful Wall Street executive who wakes up one morning to a glimpse at what his life could have been had he not taken an internship in London and had he married his college sweetheart. Jack struggles with suddenly being a "family man." He is pulled between the desire for "success" and his family.

I am living the "glimpse" of his life. I made the choice not to go to "London" (Physical Therapy school) and I married my college sweetheart. Like Jack and Kate, our has definitely had disappointments (job losses, health issues, etc). Yet, like them I am content with the love and memories my family provides. I do not need a Wall Street career, or even a professional one. I am a multi-billionaire when it comes to the success of having a wonderful loving husband, two adorable children, and friends and family who love and support me.

Challenge: Are you living the wall street life? Or are you living the glimpse? Like Jack, what is it that you NEED?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


As I gaze through the frosted window at the icy snow covered earth, I ponder my life. The brilliant cleanliness of untouched snow covers all the filth that lies beneath. The filth remains unseen and festering below while the beauty of pristine crystals cause the sunlight to dance. I sometimes feel like snow-covered earth. While on the outside others see me as "beautiful," my thoughts and actions are like the rotting trash in my backyard. A pretty smile and kind words may cover the ugliness inside, but they do not remove it.

Challenge: What is some of the trash in your life that is being covered up? How can it be removed?