Friday, January 30, 2009

Family Man

Last night we watched Family Man with Nicholas Cage. I am not normally one to contemplate movies. I watch it, think "nice movie" and I'm done. This movie is different. Jack Campbell (Nicholas Cage) is a very successful Wall Street executive who wakes up one morning to a glimpse at what his life could have been had he not taken an internship in London and had he married his college sweetheart. Jack struggles with suddenly being a "family man." He is pulled between the desire for "success" and his family.

I am living the "glimpse" of his life. I made the choice not to go to "London" (Physical Therapy school) and I married my college sweetheart. Like Jack and Kate, our has definitely had disappointments (job losses, health issues, etc). Yet, like them I am content with the love and memories my family provides. I do not need a Wall Street career, or even a professional one. I am a multi-billionaire when it comes to the success of having a wonderful loving husband, two adorable children, and friends and family who love and support me.

Challenge: Are you living the wall street life? Or are you living the glimpse? Like Jack, what is it that you NEED?

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