Monday, February 2, 2009

Time & Patience

Yesterday my 4-year-old was trying to get our dog's attention by "whistling." This means she screamed a high-pitch scream at the same tone as my whistle. The results are not the same. The dog does not recognize it as a whistle. In an effort to teach her to whistle, my husband encouragingly said, "If you keep practicing, you will learn to whistle." She looked up at him with disgust and stated, "I HAVE been practicing....for years!"
"Oh yeah, how many years have you been practicing?"

Sometimes my sense of time (and my patience) is similar to my daughter's. I get frustrated with events not happening when I want them to. We moved to this state 7.5 years ago, for what we planned to be 2 years. Still, we have no concrete plan for moving. Somedays it seems like we've been here FOREVER! Sometiems I loose patience with a family member and exclaim something like, "You never take out the trash." or "You never do the dishes." or "You never listen to me." Am I serious? Never? Or, like my daughter, does my "never" mean, not in the last 3 weeks or today?

Challenge: How is your behavior like that of a 4-year-old? Is there some area in your life that you need to "just grow up?"

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