Monday, February 9, 2009

But for a moment...

Last night my husband exclaimed with horror that our new papisan chair had developed a large rip. I was once again reminded of the short life of products made today. The $15 minature car track set I bought for my son fell apart the first time we used it. Two of our stuffed animals that come with web codes had parts fall off them within the first few hours of play. My office is cluttered with broken toys waiting to be fixed. Unbeknownst to my kids, most of these toys will soon find their resting place in the garbage dump.
Likewise, I have a short life. Even at age 33 I am beginning to feel the aches and pains. I may live for another 60 years, yet, what is 93 years in the life of the universe? In reality I'm like the kid's meal toy that didn't even last the car ride home from the restaurant. Yet, there is hope. There is permancy, is there not. One greater than the created, the Creator.
Challenge: What permancy are you leaving behind? Are you just like a free kid's meal toy to be disregarded? Or are you leaving your mark?

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