Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today I visited the allergist for my vial test. The procedure is simple. The nurse injects me with a minuscule amount of the serum, waits ten minutes, and measures the reaction. If I did not over react, I receive the allergy shot, wait 15 minutes and leave. However, today I was accidentally given FIVE times the serum that I should have received. A new nurse read my file and gave me .25 ml instead of .05. I could have died from anaphalactic shock from the mistake. The nurse felt terrible. I reassured her that I wasn't upset and in a light, jovial tone stated, "The great thing about making mistakes is that you learn by them. I bet you will never do this again."

Hmm. Wisdom in my own words. How often do I beat myself up over my mistakes. But yet, I don't learn from the mistakes. Perhaps instead of abusing myself, I should stop and reflect on how not to repeat the mistake.

Challenge: What mistakes have you made recently? What can you learn from the mistake(s)?

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