Monday, August 18, 2008


This post was originally posted on 7-25-08 on my previous site (

It is late. I’m tired. I’m homesick. My whole body aches. My brain is mush from being in class for 4 days learning about the DMIS. I do not feel like writing. I need to pack. I have class in the morning.

These are just a few of the many excuses that are going through my mind as to why I should NOT be writing. Yet, here I write. I made a promise to myself and to you, the reader, that I would spend 10 minutes a day writing. So, this evening I have nothing profound to write. But, perhaps it is not the profoundness of what we say or the spectacular action that we take, which touches others? Perhaps it is in the simple act of doing that makes the difference. So, here I sit writing so that you may be touched and perhaps encouraged to stop making excuses and to take action.

Challenge: What is your excuse?

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