Monday, August 18, 2008

What would it take?

This post was originally posted on 7-22-08 on my previous site (

What would it take?
Last week I had the pleasure of taking a workshop with Patti Digh and David Robinson, co-founders of The Circle Project. I had expressed my desire to write a children’s book to David who is, amongst many other things, a children’s book author. During a lunch meeting with Patti and David, Patti asked me a profound question: “What would it take for you to write a children’s book?” At first I laughed and responded with what is the typical human excuse as to why we put the things off. “I need more time, a baby sitter, more money, etc.” In his gentle guiding way, David countered my excuses by suggesting that I start by finding only 10 minutes a day to write. What a simple idea! Why hadn’t I thought of that? It is now 6 days later and I have written 2 single-spaced pages. It is far from perfect, which grates on my perfectionist tendencies. However, perfection is not the goal. It may not be perfect and it may not be much, but I have the beginnings of my life story down on paper for my children to read. (Thank you to Carlos Cortes for the inspiration to write my life story). Imagine what I will have after one year of writing 10 minutes a day:
2 pages X 52 weeks=104 pages=a book!?!

I am starting this blog as an inspiration for myself and others. My hope is that together we can stop putting off for tomorrow that which we can do today (adapted quote from Thomas Jefferson).

Challenge: What are you putting off? What is it that you do not have time for? What if you dedicated only 10 minutes each day to that? Stop procrastinating and take a step today.

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